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Let's do more together! Switch to the Birdie Platform.

Get access to the full suite of solutions that we developed for home care agencies exactly like yours. In addition to your existing best-in-class Care Management tools, the Birdie Platform packages include:

+ New Finance and Rostering tools to gain efficiencies across your business operations

+ Birdie Analytics, comes with 27 reports designed for homecare agencies, to help you monitor and improve quality of care

+ Easy-to-use software for your whole team

Fill this simple form to schedule a call with us and see how the new Birdie Platform can help you gain efficiencies across your care business!

rostering software Birdie

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Software that's the one

We wanted to make sure that as we develop new set of tools alongside our best-in-class Care Management software, we continue to bring to the homecare market, solutions that meet and exceed your expectations.