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In this post, you'll discover the best examples of person centred care plans templates.

Not sure where to start with care planning? Looking for a guide or example care plan to help you get started?

There’s a wealth of information available to support you through every aspect of care planning, (for example here at Birdie we’ve created our own guide to care planning and a blog that outlines the basics of care planning software, plus tips on having the right conversations). But when it comes to a real care plan example that you can follow, the available options are a little limited. That's because there is no one-size-fits-all, standardised template for care planning.

Where can I find a care plan example template?

Care plans must be created individually to suit the needs of the people you’re caring for. A care plan for an individual with dementia would be vastly different to a care plan for a young adult who needs support due a disability.

That’s why, when it comes to finding an example care plan template for your home care agency, you might find it difficult to find one you can download or replicate.

We've included a printable example of a care plan template, based on the questions we use on the Birdie system, at the bottom of this article. It covers the personal information and preferences section of a care plan, and is a great starting point for setting goals and assigning tasks. If you need help with goal setting, you can read this SMART template guide from Birdie too.

To help you, the next few steps in this article will walk you through the basics of a person centred care plan and show you how you can use the principles to create your own care plans. You can download and print a care plan example template at the end.

Elements to include in a care plan template...

Here are a few elements to includes in your person-centred care plan template:

  • Personal information
  • Medical history
  • Mental health
  • Social support
  • Environmental risks
  • Nutrition requirements
  • Interests and activities
  • Communication

Of course, there are many, many more you could focus on and each element may have multiple sub-elements inside, but not all areas will be required for every person.

Each area of the care plan template should include...

  • The area you’re focusing on (for example, communication or personal care)
  • The person’s desired outcomes in this area
  • How you will support them with their outcomes/how they would like support

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Do I need to create every care plan from scratch?

You don’t always need to create a care plan from scratch. The elements inside each care plan should be different for each client, but you could start with a basic care plan framework for each client and personalise accordingly. That’s exactly how we create care plans at Birdie. Our care planning software allows you to choose the areas that need more information and you can fill out the relevant sections, without having to create a new document every time. 

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Read the following page to discover how Birdie can help you with your care management needs! Or book a free demo to talk to one of our experts who can show you the Birdie platform! No faff and no strings attached.

How we create person centred care plans that are in-line with CQC requirements at Birdie

Example care plan : Birdie's Care planning software agency hub home page assessments

Within each category you can add objectives and tasks, and personalise these alongside your clients.

For example:

If the person in your care has recently been discharged from hospital after a fall, they may have a goal to be able to resume an activity (for example; walking in the garden) once again.

By making a note of this goal with them, you can devise a plan to support them, using all of the elements above. Walking in the garden may require:

  • A risk assessment of the garden
  • The medical history of the person (how long until their injuries heal, for example)
  • Social support from outside (how can occupational therapists and families help progress this goal?)
  • A waterlow assessment to inform decisions on how often this person should be encouraged to move/change positions if they are currently immobile

As this goal (and every goal) is very specific, it’s difficult to provide a one-size-fits-all framework for a care plan that can be adapted to suit everyone’s requirements, however... 

Read also: How to setup a care agency

If you’re not using care planning software like Birdie, you could instead download our free care management paper template pack. In this pack you'll find printable templates for care planning, MAR chart, body maps and a client profile template, along with examples of how to complete these templates. Download your free pack today!

One really important area in every care plan is the personal details section, where you can list a person's preferences, needs and any external social and economic factors that may influence their care needs. Click below for a free template from Birdie for you to download and print.

Read also: Everything you need to know about advanced care planning

The benefits of using care Plan templates in homecare

Using a care plan template in home care offers numerous benefits that enhance the quality of care provided. A well-designed care plan template ensures consistency in care, as it standardizes the documentation process and helps caregivers follow a structured approach. This consistency is crucial for maintaining high standards of care across different caregivers and shifts.

Additionally, a care plan template improves communication among caregivers by providing a clear and concise care plan example that everyone can follow. This reduces misunderstandings and ensures that all caregivers are on the same page regarding a person’s needs and preferences.

Care plan templates also facilitate compliance with regulatory requirements, such as those set by the CQC. By using a standardized care plan example, caregivers can easily ensure that all necessary elements are included, reducing the risk of missing important information.

Overall, incorporating a care plan template into your home care routine streamlines the care planning process, making it more efficient and effective, and ultimately improving the quality of care provided to each individual.

A quick note on digital vs paper care planning

It can be argued that digital records are better than paper records in care management  because they enhance efficiency, accessibility, and accuracy, enabling quicker updates and easier sharing of information among care providers. They also reduce the risk of data loss and ensure better compliance with data protection regulations. Find out more about person centred care planning here or get a free SMART care plan template, here.

We hope this overview of some care plan examples helps you with your person centred care planning. If you’re interested in digitising your care planning process with care planning software, get in touch with our team - they’ll be happy to walk you through the available options and help you decide on the right digital plan for you. 

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