Care management software systems are transforming the home care industry, but some home care providers are yet to embrace digital. Understandably, one of the hesitations is around cost.
But rather than asking ‘what is the price of care management software?’, perhaps the question should be ‘what is the price of not using care management software?’.
In this article, we will look at why home care agencies need to consider embracing digital and whether the price of care management software is worth the investment.

Why do home care providers need care management software?
Here at Birdie, we have seen first-hand how digital systems impact home care provision, and once our partners make the switch, they never look back. Our purpose-built care management software meets the needs of home care providers and, in fact, often exceeds expectations.
Effective care management software tools take everything that has historically been done on paper and makes it digital. That includes:
- Client care, such as care planning, updating records, carer matching, communications and risk assessments
- Internal operations, including scheduling visits, auditing, rota planning, and sickness and holiday management
- Backend business functions, like payroll and invoicing.
You also need to consider how software can help your home care business keep up with developments in the industry overall.
NHSX, the body tasked with the digital transformation of the health and social care sector, aims to have all health records digital by 2024.
NHSX wants data to “flow seamlessly between IT systems, care providers and settings… to enable more targeted care and reduce unnecessary interventions.”.
In practice, this means you can communicate with staff, clients, families and allied health services quickly and easily. Everyone has access to the information they need, when they need it.
In support of this, the CQC is assessing the way home care agencies use software as part of their regulatory inspections; another reason why now is the time to introduce care management software into your business.
The price of care management software
How is care management software priced, and how much can you expect to pay?
There’s no easy answer to this, as each care software system offers its own features and benefits. Most software providers charge by the number of care recipients you have on your books or the number of hours of care you deliver. Often, a company will have a minimum spend, so if you’re a smaller agency, factor this in when assessing costs.
We’d advise caution about low-cost options that seem too good to be true. You only want to implement digital systems once, and a ‘cheap’ option may turn out to be costly if it cuts corners.
Budgeting for care management software
Care management software comes at a price, and of course, you need to budget for it. There are a few things to consider when working out your budget:
- Your investment should repay you over time, as a more effective way of working saves your business money. Our State of Tech report revealed an average saving of £12,000 thanks to technology.
- Ask yourself how much your time is worth. The average Birdie partner agency saves 30 hours per month by using care management software.
- Think about what sort of software you need. You don’t want to end up with a system that doesn’t meet your needs. Low-end options can be a false economy, as ineffective systems are unhelpful at best and a hindrance at worst. (This blog post can help you choose the best domiciliary home care software for your business.)
- Don’t forget to consider the secondary benefits of effective home care management software. Streamlined processes mean more time for clients, less stress for staff, and often, a better profit margin for the business.
- Consider the ROI of your investment. The Birdie Cost Savings Calculator can help you work out how much money your home care agency could save by introducing software solutions.
We know that going digital can feel daunting for home care agencies that have been using the same processes for years.
At Birdie, we want to make it easy for you to move away from paper records and streamline your systems to save time and money. Our competitively-priced built-in-one system ticks all the boxes, and our ongoing support means you can implement it in your business seamlessly. Find out more and arrange a free demo.
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