While clocks may have turned back, our teams have been moving full steam ahead! Read on to discover the latest improvements coming soon to the Birdie platform.

Limited beta: Basic information page
We’re wrapping up the beta for the Basic information page, and will be releasing to partners on 6th November!
What's updating
The About Me profile will be splitting into 2 pages: Basic information and Client information. The new Basic information page will store only the most essential client details such as Personal details, Contact details, Primary address and Highlights. The Client information page will store their remaining details including Personal identity, Clinical details, Key contacts, Future planning, and Agency admin.
All data already recorded in About Me will remain, but will instead be located across the two new pages. The ‘About Me’ section in the carer app will also be renamed to ‘Client Information’, but how carers access the information will remain unchanged.
The Basic information page streamlines onboarding and client profile creation, and these updates make it easier to access key client details. Check out the help article here to find out more.

These updates will be available to all packages that use Birdie's Care Management software.
Limited beta: Invoice cycles
For our Finance users, invoice cycles will allow you to generate invoices for predetermined, recurring periods. They establish regular billing schedules which reduces the administrative burden on finance teams, minimises the risk of errors, and improve overall cash flow management. You can learn more about how you will be able to use invoice cycles here.

This improvement will be available to all packages using Finance.
Limited beta: GP Connect Integration
We're in the final stages of the process with NHS Digital for our GP Connect integration and will be launching a pilot program soon. Birdie's GP Connect integration will provide you with instant and secure access to real-time client health records, enabling you to save hours of admin time and prevent the risk of medication errors.

GP Connect will be available to all packages for providers who meet the following criteria:
- You must be CQC registered
- Your organisation (and each site) must be registered with the Organisation Data Service
- You must have achieved “Standards met” for the Data Security and Protection Toolkit and maintain annual compliance
- You will need to sign the National Data Sharing Agreement for GP Connect once the integration is available on Birdie, and receive NHS approval of your submission
- You will need to provide the names and email addresses of the Registered Manager, plus any clinical and nominated non-clinical staff who would like to have access to GP Connect
Keep an eye out for more updates on this exciting integration!
More to come!
In the meantime, you can take a look at our public roadmap for more information on what we're working on, provide feedback and vote for features. 👋

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