Meeting Care Inspectorate Wales expectations: online course
Free online course
Takes less than 1 hour to complete
Join up with Birdie for this free Care Inspectorate Wales course
This course is set over 16 short video modules, with interactive learning tasks at each stage. The Birdie meeting Care Inspectorate Wales expectations course is built to help you and your team gain a better understanding of how to prepare, execute and win when it comes to Care Inspectorate.
Packed with easy-to-understand information, useful insights and free to download resources for the whole team.
Get ready to meet Care Inspectorate's expectations in less than an hour!
- What is the Care Inspectorate Wales?
- What are Care Inspectorate Wales looking for at inspection?
- What areas should you prioritise for your next inspection?
- How to go for gold - putting your care recipients first and focusing on outcomes
- Using technology to support your inspections
This course is perfect for:
Care professionals
Looking to learn how to meet Care Inspectorate Wales expectations
Managers and business owners
Who want to refresh or upgrade their knowledge
What does this course cover?
Meeting Care Inspectorate Wales expectations: online course
is approximately
Video modules 1-4
The background
Understand who Care Inspectorate Wales are and what they do
Video modules 5-6
The basics
Learn the background on how Care Inspectorate Scotland Wales and get practical tips
Video modules 7-10
Meeting expectations
What you need to know and prioritise in order to meet Care Inspectorate Wales expectations
Video modules 11-13
Going for Excellent
How to take your next Care Inspectorate Wales inspection to the next level
Video modules 14-16
Your next steps
Discover how technology can help you boost your rating!
Feel more confident in just 1 hour!
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