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What's new at Birdie: August 2024

August 28, 2024
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As August comes to a close, we hope that you’ve been able to soak in the summer and bank holiday weekend! Check out Birdie’s latest improvements below to round out the last month of the season.

Double booked tag

On the Visit Confirmation and Payroll dashboard, you can now see a label that flags anytime that there is more than 1 visit with the same start and end time and the same carer.

The double booked tag helps you identify multi-client visits and avoid accidentally double-paying carers. This means less costs and less time spent confirming visits!

See double booked tag

Invoices filters

To help you find the invoices you're looking for quicker, you can now filter by Care Recipient and by Payer in the Invoices page. Additionally, we've disabled bulk selection while using the search bar, ensuring more precise invoice selections and reducing the risk of accidental bulk actions.

See new Care recipient and Payer filter

The improvements above are available to all packages using Finance. Please get in touch if interested in accessing Birdie's finance features!

Show carers 7 days of upcoming visits

Currently, carers are only able to see the next scheduled visit for a Care Recipient in the Birdie app. You will now have the option to allow carers to view all upcoming visits for the next 7 days.

This added visibility is especially helpful when clients and their loved ones need to plan ahead. Carers can now easily provide information about the week’s visits, reducing the need for calls to the office and making care coordination smoother for everyone involved.

If you would like to access this feature to allow carers to view additional visits, please contact our support team via live chat or

  • Please note that once the feature is enabled, carers may need to refresh their app to see changes.

Check out the help article here to learn more!

See additional upcoming visits

This feature is available to Starter, Core, Advanced, and Plus packages.

GP Connect Integration

We're excited to share that Birdie will be launching GP Connect in the upcoming months! This integration allows you to instantly view all essential client health information such as previous medications, allergies, vaccinations, and medical history. With real-time access to client medical records, GP Connect saves you hours of gathering information from clients and validating it with third party health providers.

See GP Connect integration

GP Connect will be available to all packages for providers who have achieved “Standards met” for the Data Security and Protection Toolkit.

Keep an eye out for more information on this exciting feature!

Absence Management

The release of the new Absence Management features continues to be paused at this time. We appreciate your interest in this feature, and will keep you informed as soon as we have more updates to share.

More to come!

As always, check out our public roadmap for more information on what we're working on. 👋

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